High Power(ed) Conference (Energy)
Bringing life and creativity to a highly technical conference

The Client
Oil and gas supermajor.
The Engagement
A large conference co-hosted by our client and its strategic partner as an opportunity for leaders from across the public and private sector to share their expectations, visions and solutions for a future mobility infrastructure project. The conference brought together 120+ government decision-makers with companies and customers from across value chain to give momentum to the investment, decisions and partnerships necessary for future success.
The Complexity
Inspiring activity, creativity and engagement among a large number of participants from disparate backgrounds across a 9-hour day while also delivering and capturing a large amount of material. Designing parallel working sessions to ensure the participants feel as though they have made valuable contributions and that the experience was worth their time.

Design and Delivery
Our iterative, collaborative analysis of the challenge in the relatively short (5 weeks) preparation period ahead of the conference highlighted the need for three deliverables:
Prior to the event we scoped and sketched one large-scale graphic InfoMural comprised of position papers, content inputs, academic research, and material provided in advance by the client team and speakers then transferred to the large rolling work walls on the session prep day.
Graphic recording for each speaker’s presentation supplemented by text documentation.
Design and facilitation of small group working sessions (4 sessions running in parallel, each centered on a sub-theme of the event) following our unique, custom-designed process that builds on our experience of design thinking and collaboration to get the most out of a large participant group in a very short period of time. The sessions were co-designed with subject matter experts who helped us identify the questions to be asked, and the challenges associated with these sub- themes and how they fit into the larger future landscape.
Brought together thought leaders from across the public and private sectors to start nurturing the new partnerships that will be needed to make the client’s vision of the future mobility landscape a reality.
High-level identification of what it will take to make that vision happen including collaboration, partnerships, investment and education.
Identification of the first steps needed in the area of technology, investment, funding and financing, and consumer experience to make the future mobility landscape happen.
Energy and interest created by the scribing and graphic facilitation.
Robust Infomural which served as a focal point and a future vision for what the landscape might be.
A summary document of the event, a highly visual record of all the graphics captured as well as the key learnings around each of the sub-topics, packaged electronically to be delivered to the participants and speakers as soon after the event close as possible.
