Vision and Strategy Development (Banking)
Working with the CEO and Executive Committee through a programme to define and develop their 10-year vision and identify options for delivering it.
The Client
Top European financing, risk management and trading solutions company.
The Engagement
We were engaged to assist the CEO and Executive Committee through a programme to develop and define their 10-year vision, explore the options for delivering it, and then to engage the organisation’s top 350 leaders in iterating, shaping and refining the vision.
The Complexity
Designing a full programme involved close relationships with the CEO and Executive-level stakeholders. The programme itself required setting direction, creating a vision, and aligning the Executive Committee as well as activating change with the top layer of executives, which sparked the desire and ownership of the organisation’s need for change.
Design and Delivery
We held a series of key stakeholder (Chief Executive, Chief of Staff, CMO) scoping sessions to understand and agree the requirements, options and ambitions of the programme of work. Based on these scoping sessions, our engagement changed from ‘conference delivery’ to ‘vision/strategy programme delivery.’
We designed and delivered a macro-trend analysis WorkSession with 12 senior leadership team members to identify potential strategic options. This WorkSession helped to identify what was possible for the future of the business and allowed us to produce a first draft of the vision. The outputs of this session were shared with the remaining Executive Committee members to refine, challenge and iterate the work.
Throughout the programme, we met regularly with the key stakeholders to mature the outputs, carry out data analysis, view market disruption trends, and further develop the vision and communications assets. During this period, we advised and acted as strategic partners to the Executive Committee to ensure momentum.
We designed and delivered multiple regional top-leadership collaborative DesignSessions reaching the top 350 leadership cohort, to explore the implications, gaps, and opportunities in the vision. The participants worked together to iterate and refine the vision and align on its preferred articulation.
These DesignSessions exposed several initiatives already in play that served the vision, giving credibility to the aspiration of the vision and highlighting the need for better internal communications and celebrations of those achievements.
The approach that we took was a new way of working for the client, and they embraced it by calling upon us to help with the preparation of board papers, highlighting market differentiators, options for vision statements, and supporting narratives. We also collaborated with them to develop visual communication assets for the board papers and longer-term internal communications.
We designed and delivered an Executive Committee offsite to reaffirm alignment and shared ownership in preparation for embedding the vision in the wider organisation, including specific practical and accountable next steps.
Across multiple DesignSessions and a long - Business model canvasses for each of the engagement, the team co-designed...
Executive Committee alignment
Clear articulation of the vision and strategic options for the future of the business
Clarity on the initiatives required to embed the vision
Alignment and buy-in of the top-350 executives
Business model canvasses for each of the strategic options
Vision articulation and narrative
Scribes and communications assets
Materials for Board papers